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  • Writer's pictureDiana Braun-Woodbury

Torn Paper and Charcoal

Updated: Feb 12, 2023

For a few years I was obsessed with the idea of using torn paper and charcoal as art media. I came across the work of artist Alison Lambert at Metivier Gallery in Toronto a few years ago. On display were these huge portraits that expressed such anguish. They were all done in torn paper and charcoal. The work mesmerized me on so many levels. That exhibit has stayed with me and for years afterwards.

I wanted to do a body of work using the technique. I played around with it in my studio but never went beyond the experimental stage. I was stuck: I couldn't get past the idea that I was copying another artist, that I was plagiarizing. I knew that, whatever I did, I had to stay clear of the human figure. So I played with birds, a subject that lent it self very well to the technique.

Then in the summer of 2018 my husband and stayed at a friends summer home in the Gaspé for two weeks -- and there was my subject matter! I was captivated by the the rocky coastline, how absolutely perfect!! I spent much of the two weeks photographing the shoreline from every vantage point. When I got home I started the work of tearing up paper, gluing, drawing with charcoal of all different sizes, erasing and then repeating the process. Soon the reference was left behind and each drawing began to speak. As I listened they developed into the images you see in the "Drawing" section of the website. I hope you enjoy them.

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